Friday- 9.23 miles in 2:14:10 for a 14:31 minute per mile pace with an elevation gain of 362 feet with an average heart rate of 115 beats per minute at a temperature of 45 minutes and 81 percent humidity on the Longwood Loop.
Saturday Hike, Calverton— 9.25 miles in 1:44:06 for a 17:45 minutes per mile pace with an elevation gain of 195 feet with an average heart rate of 96 bpm with at a temp of 39 degrees with humidity at 85 percent.
Monday(Hope- 2 times loop plus Howe Hill loop . 9.07 miles in 2:09:55 for a 14:19 minute per mile pace with an elevation gain of 861 feet with an average heart rate of 121 bpm at a temp of 26 degrees and humidity at 59 percent.
Tuesday— Same route in the snow. 9.07 miles in 2:13:19 for a 15:06 minute per mile pace with an elevation gain of 861 feet with an average heart rate of 118 bpm at a temperature of 33 degrees at 94 percent humidity. There were many vehicles out in the snow, having me dodging vehicles.
Saturday Hike, Calverton— 9.25 miles in 1:44:06 for a 17:45 minutes per mile pace with an elevation gain of 195 feet with an average heart rate of 96 bpm with at a temp of 39 degrees with humidity at 85 percent.
Monday(Hope- 2 times loop plus Howe Hill loop . 9.07 miles in 2:09:55 for a 14:19 minute per mile pace with an elevation gain of 861 feet with an average heart rate of 121 bpm at a temp of 26 degrees and humidity at 59 percent.
Tuesday— Same route in the snow. 9.07 miles in 2:13:19 for a 15:06 minute per mile pace with an elevation gain of 861 feet with an average heart rate of 118 bpm at a temperature of 33 degrees at 94 percent humidity. There were many vehicles out in the snow, having me dodging vehicles.