Saturday, June 1, 2019

Turning the Dial Ever So Slightly

I woke up later than on weekdays, but earlier than a typical Saturday. This was no typical Saturday with my father in law going to the hospital again with breathing problems. My wife went with her father to the ER forgoing her WW meeting. I decided to head out the door after praying with my wife for my loop while adding approximately 1 more mile. The pace is still easy, but I am grateful that I can get out without pain. I picked up a skim milk iced DD latte with .6 miles to go. It’s the simple things sometimes that make life worth it. This is one of my favorite times of the year. Around this time 14 years ago my friend Andy and his friend ran the Moosehorn for my longest run ever. Andy ran a few extra miles, but I was satisfied. It was this time of year 28 years ago when I was walking because my hip wouldn’t allow me to run. Little did I know that in a year I would be engaged to marry. 9 years ago at this time I was living at Shady Pines waiting for the last day of school to move to New York. I had given up my lawn business at this time so I just kind of enjoyed my evenings after school by walking at the airport. God is the captain of my ship. I am thankful that I never walk this life alone. God bless!
 Workout — 4.58 miles in 1:23:32 for an 18:13 minute per mile pace with an elevation gain of 121 feet and an average heart rate of 94 bpm at 60 degrees and 89 percent humidity.