Friday, June 28, 2024

Early Start

 I woke up at my usual time for school days. I knew that today was going to be the day the driveway was going to be sealed, so I decided to hit the roads early. It is the best time to hit the pavement. The temps were comfortable and the streets were quiet. The only thing was that my muscles were very sore. I did the Longwood Loop again.Here are the stats: 8.33 miles in 2:42:37 for a 19:32 minute per mile pace with an average heart rate of 70 bpm with an elevation gain of 205 feet at an average cadence of 113 spm at 61 beautiful degrees. I’m kind of feeling my way through the beginning of vacation, and I’m purposefully not pushing the envelope too much. Doing mainly ordinary stuff. Have a blessed day.

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