Wednesday, June 19, 2024

A Bit Better

 Today is a day off from school, so I was able to sleep in and hit the Rocky Point to Shoreham trail. I was doing a normal pace in the beginning of this heat wave. My anterior knee was a bit better than yesterday. I am enjoying sitting back after a busy morning of a walk and picking up a bunch of stuff for our front plant beds. I then headed to Walmart to pick up a couple of items. Here are the modest stats. I did 8.07 miles in 2:36:43 for a 19:24 minute per mile pace with an average heart rate of 70 bpm. The temp was around 83 degrees. In places there was a nice breeze. Each day is a new day with new challenges. I just feel like I can’t look too far ahead right now. Hoping to get refreshed! God bless you!

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