Wednesday, June 26, 2024

First Day of Summer Vacation

  I woke up at about the same time as I did for school. It’s easier to do this with my wife staying with her mother. I prefer the early morning hours when the streets are quiet and the temps are cooler. Plus, you aren’t so awake and the workout goes by quicker I did the 2 x Woodlot/Ridge for 8.22 miles in 2:41:19 for a 19:37 minute per mile pace with an average pulse of 72 bpm at an average cadence of 113 spm at 70 degrees. I have taken it easy today which is nice. It’s nice to be able to kickback. I appreciate the opportunity to relax and restock. I always have things to accomplish, but the summer is a time to not be under the gun and for a change of pace. Thank you Lord for the opportunity.

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