Thursday, June 20, 2024

Right Direction

 This morning seemed to be another turn in the right direction. Last night at physical therapy, my therapist worked solely on flexibility and acupressure without exercise. This seemed to help as this morning was the first time in a few weeks that I did not get that tightness on the outside of my posterior knee. I walked at normal speed doing a short out and back and twice Raynor/Ridge/Kastal/Ryan for 7.03 in 2:10:38 for an 18:34 minute per mile pace with an average heart rate of 69 bpm with an elevation gain of 240 feet at an average cadence of 115 spm at 68 degrees. Over the years the workouts vary based on need and motivation. I try to keep moving and make changes before they are necessitated. I’m just trying to survive until the end of school. Lord thanks for your strength!

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