Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Last Workout of the School Year

 I set the alarm for 3:35 am in preparation for the last day of school. I was very tired, but I know that once I get out there my feet should take me to the end. I changed my direction of my route.  My knee felt okay now that I only walk at a normal pace. This change allows me to exercise without pain. I was impressed with the quiet beauty of the early morning hour here in Ridge. It would seem, that if I am to live here on Long Island, that this still has the semblance of the country and Maine. It has many woods and many trails nestled between the business of major highways, roads, and millions of people. I did 7.05 miles in 2:14:31 for a 19:04 minute per mile pace with an average heart rate of 74 bpm with an elevation gain of 213 feet at an average cadence of 114 bpm at a comfortable 65 degrees. It has been a good school year. Thank you Lord for your many blessings.

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