Thursday, June 27, 2024

Treading the Longwood Loop

  Day 2 of vacation started out after a night of thundershowers. I was tired, but thankfully I can do things at my speed for now. I found myself getting lost in my thoughts. Kind of looking forward to the things coming up over the summer. The temperature was comfortable and the streets were quiet. My hamstring held up okay at the slow pace. It was nice doing this one of my favorite loops minus a short out and back up a hill. Here are the stats- 8.22 miles in 2:41:19 for a 19:37 minute per mile pace with an average heart rate of 72 bpm with an elevation gain of 273 feet at an average cadence of 113 spm at a humid breezy 70 degrees. I have a few chores around the house to do. I just am waiting for it to dry off a bit. Watching a little Chicago Fire. Have a blessed day.

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