Thursday, June 6, 2024

The Blessings of the Ordinary

  I got out early, and was tempted to attempt a longer route. My choice ultimately was to stick to the routine, and I’m glad that I made that choice. I am tired and need extra time. Thankfully, my hip and back were feeling better— no ibuprofen needed. The back of my knee was a bit more sore. I’ve eliminated squats and rows until the weekend to continue to sure up my hip and back. I did 8 x Raynor in the rain. 🌧️ Some of the showers were heavy. Fortunately, my interval route is mostly surrounded by trees. I did 6.54 miles in 1:50:35 for a 16:53 minute per mile pace with an average heart rate of 103 bpm with an elevation gain of 365 feet at a cadence of 126 spm at a rainy 68 degrees. It’s my last day of after school tonight. It’s been a good time, but very tiring. It will be nice to go home at the normal time. Jace’s birthday today. 

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