Thursday, July 4, 2024


 Sun.: Greenway Trail 6.22 miles in 1:59:10 for a 19:08 minute per mile pace with a 69 minute per mile heart rate with an elevation gain of 150 feet at a cadence of 112 spm at a temperature of 73 degrees.

Mon.: I was expecting to get together with my daughter Rebekah, but she couldn’t make it. I decided to try the Greenway Trail heading towards Port Jefferson. It was a beautiful comfortable morning. I enjoyed the change in scenery. I would later in the day go on a hike with the Youth Group including my granddaughter Ryleigh. I did 8.14 miles in 2:36:36 for a 19:14 minute per mile pace with an average heart rate of 71 bpm with an elevation gain of 370 feet with an average cadence of 110 spm at a temp of 66 degrees.

Tues.: I did 8.26 miles in 2:37:00 for an average pace of 18:59 minutes per mile with an average heart rate of 70 bpm with an elevation gain of 236 feet at an average cadence of 114 spm at 61 degrees on the Longwood Loop. I would be heading to Lancaster, PA with my wife to see Site and Sound.

Wednesday: I made it out on the streets of Lancaster for an early morning walk. I was fortunate to find some mostly quiet country roads. I always enjoy my walks in the country. I did 7.06 miles in 2:14:08 for a 18:59 minute per mile pace with an average heart rate of 72 bpm with an elevation gain of 421 feet with an average cadence of 114 spm at 62 degrees. It was nice to go past cows, meadows, and Amish farms. I’m blessed to get out in different areas and enjoy their beauty. I especially enjoy the country. 

Thursday: I made it out a bit earlier. I decided to stick to a 10 k distance to allow me plenty of time to get back before my wife woke up. Thankfully, things went fairly well. I did basically the same route— just cutting it a bit short. I did 6.24 miles on the country roads of Lancaster, Pa. In 1:57:34 for an 18:50 minute per mile pace with an average heart rate of 72 bpm with an elevation gain of 374 feet at 67 degrees. I am enjoying the change of pace and being able to train. There are other parts of things lately that are a bit off. It’s important to seek the Lord and remain consistent. Back home later today. Happy Dourtb and God bless you!

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