Friday, July 12, 2024

What was supposed to be…was

  This Friday morning I was supposed to meet Rebekah for a walk on the Greenway trail. She called me early to warn me of potential thunderstorms and rain. I told her it was okay for her to cancel, but I went ahead anyway taking my chances. It was humid but overall it was a dry and peaceful walk. I did 8.18 miles in 2:29:32 for an 18:17 minute per mile pace with an average heart rate of 70 bpm with an elevation gain of 283 feet at an average cadence of 115 spm at 73 humid degrees. Even though it’s Long Island, somehow this walk location kind of reminds me of Maine. I am looking forward to seeing Katie and her family later tonight. Thank you Lord and Lord willing Florida next Friday. Looking to you Lord!

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