Friday, July 5, 2024

Greenway with Rebekah

   I broke away from my usual routine which is a privilege and luxury that I have in the summer. I have kind of been a little bit off routine. But we all need some variety, and my daughter Rebekah is a great walking partner. We did the Greenway trail heading to Mount Sinai. Doing all those walks early in life with my daughters has paid off. A great time of exercise and fellowship. Here are the stats: I did 8.16 in 2:31:58 for an 18:37 minute per mile pace with an average heart rate of 69 bpm with an elevation gain of 239 feet with an average cadence of 113 spm at a steamy 72 degrees. I was soaked by a shower and the humidity. We capped it off with a nice cold iced Starbucks beverage and a blueberry muffin. Lord willing, next week Katie and her family arrives. God is good!

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