Thursday, July 18, 2024

Early Start

 I had an active day yesterday. I’m definitely feeling it today. I decided to try a different route doing the Apple Court, Kastal, Ryan, Woodlot, and Randall doing 8.53 miles in 2:50:33 for a 19:53 minute per mile pace with an average heart rate of 66 bpm with an elevation gain of 253 feet at an average cadence of 110 spm at a muggy 72 degrees. I saw a couple of ladies walking the opposite way. I’ve seen them out for the last few months. I also saw a man walking towards the end of my walk. I’ve seen him a time or two lately. Putting out the finishing toon my packing today. Looking forward to my cruise with my Love! Ericka and the girls will be hanging around for lunch and a few hours. Got good news from my daughter Katie about the baby gaining weight. Thank you Lord for your many blessings!

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