Wednesday, May 8, 2024


 I am definitely feeling the extra work with doing after school. It’s interesting how after I charged my watch, the workout eventually showed back up yesterday. Today was fairly straight forward. Things went well, it’s just that I was slow moving. I also was tired with the weights. Thankfully, I was able to get through the workouts and make it to work on time. I did 8 x Raynor Road doing 6.56 miles in 1:52:31 for a 17:08 minute per mile pace with an average heart rate of 92 bpm with an elevation gain of 315 feet at a cadence of 125 spm at 58 overcast degrees.

I was scheduled to have supper with my in-laws however, they didn’t have time to cook me a meal, so they had their Indian cuisine with my wife and brother in law while I had McDonald’s. I don’t feel all the way in on this club. Have a blessed day friends!

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