Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Thrill of Routine

 Today I was looking forward to being back at school and doing my normal routine. I like the different parts of the workday— the early hill workouts, the weight workouts, the getting tea for my wife, the Christian radio programs, and the alone time. There will be a time for the summer, and I like that routine also. Each change helps refresh the mind and body. Today I did 8 x Raynor Hill. I got out a little earlier, which was good, since I was as slowed by several things that came up. I did 6.65 miles in 1:51:18 for a 16:43 minute per mile pace, with an average heart rate of 90 bpm, with an elevation gain of 359 feet, at an average cadence of 125 spm , at 65 degrees. I didn’t go fast, but I wasn’t stinking slow either. Have a blessed day  friends!

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