Thursday, May 9, 2024

The Symphony of a Spring Morning

 The best part of my day is the morning workout. It starts with the initial wake up and the feeling like going back to bed. It quickly is turned into the keep going forward and stay the course, knowing that completing the workout is well worth the effort. The morning workout is a time for prayer, for planning, and for dreaming. Right now, about half of the workout is done in the dark, and half is in the light. As the light increases, so do the bird songs. Eventually the owl hooting is replaced with rooster crowing. I did 8 x Raynor Hill doing 6.56 min 1:51:14 for a 16:57 minute per mile pace with an average heart rate of 64 bpm with an elevation gain of 312 feet at an average cadence of 125 spm at 55 degrees. I’m looking forward to Friday and not having to do the afterschool program.Have a blessed day!

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