Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Random Thoughts of a Tired Mind

 I could hear the patter of the rain falling gently but steadily outside. I was very tired, but I know that if I keep going— I should be able to get the workout in. I also know that if I put the workout in that the results will follow— plus, today is hump day. As I was working out and praying, I thought about how much coaching was a part of my life for so long. I also recollected, getting done with coaching varsity soccer and prioritizing my time with my daughters. It’s not always the big things that are important, but sometimes the very necessary small things. Sometimes we make a big deal about the showy things to the neglect of the simple things that usually garner no recognition. I also thought of how I used to sing a lot— at church and at weddings. It’s something that kind of came to me, that I did not seek out. I also used to be a church leader. I’m not saying this to brag, because I did not seek out these things. Now, my own father in law who is the head of the church, doesn’t involve me in these things. I know that the man has a lot on his plate. I pray for him often. He is dealing with a lot. Obviously, this is how the Lord has planned things. A chance to help my father in law out, in spite of my personal ambivalence. I did 6.59 miles in 1:51:13 for a 16:52 minute per mile pace with an average heart rate of 128 bpm with an elevation gain of 365 feet at an average cadence of 125 spm at 56 light rainy degrees. Last Bible study of the spring tonight. Have a blessed day!

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