Friday, May 3, 2024


  I put in my Fridays workout at about the same pace that I have maintained this week. I love the early morning hours in Ridge when our streets resemble the streets of Maine. Doing intervals reminds me of my track workouts many years ago. It seems to be how I’m wired. It has been a good week, even though I have missed my Charlotte. Today I started putting things back in order anticipating my time with Char. I talked with my brother on the way to work since he was heading to West Point to get together with some of his old buddies from the F2 Zoo company. Here are my stats— I did 6.58 miles in 1:47:10 for a 16:17 minute per mile pace with an average heart rate of 89 bpm with an elevation gain of 295 feet at a cadence of 130 spm at a temp of 51 degrees. It’s nice when you find a routine that works. Next week I start after-school, Lord willing.

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