Monday, May 27, 2024


 It came to me that this time of year the energy will drag no matter what. So what will get me through( with the Lord’s help and good health) is just a commitment to get the workouts and the work done. Follow the plan and just stay with it. On day’s when I don’t have school, I have done more distance and old standby 8 plus miler routes and on school days, I usually do my 8 hill interval workout. In the summer, I do plan on sticking to mostly the intervals workout. I have a little more zip throughout the day doing it. Today I did my new version of the Longwood loop doing 8.49 in 2:21:17 for a 16:38 minute per mile pace at an average heart rate of 154 bpm with an elevation gain of 367 feet at a cadence of 123 spm at 63 degrees. It is an overcast day with not a lot on the to do list thankfully. Have a blessed Memorial Day!

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