Thursday, May 16, 2024

Stormy Morning

 The one good thing about this morning, I made it to work on time despite the rain and delays. Sometimes it looks as if you’re going to be late, and you squeak it out. It was a windy heavy drizzle type of morning. I did 8 x Raynor Hill with two sprints. I’ve been doing the two sprints since Friday. I figure despite the arthritis, I need to do a little sprinting in order to keep my ability to sprint. I did 6.65 miles in 1:51:43 for a 16:47 minute per mile pace with an average heart rate of 99 bpm with an elevation gain of 453 feet at an average cadence of 125 spm at 56 degrees.

Batching it since Charlotte is staying with her mother with her father going on a vacation in Punta Cana. Miss my Char❤️ 

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