Saturday, May 18, 2024

My Wife

 This morning I’m sitting in my in-laws house staying with my mother in law while my wife is at WW. My wife is staying with her mother as her father is away for a few days. Char bathes her mother, changes her Depends, takes her on rides, helps her dress, and on and on. She does all these things while working at the church, leading missions teams, working at WW, taking care of the family. My wife has the superpower of solving problems. It seems as if she can fix any problem just by setting her mind to it. She can do everything I can and more- she just does it with much greater ease. I know Jesus loves me in so many ways. The day the Lord sent Charlotte my way, He sent help that I desperately needed— but I didn’t know how much that I needed her. She’s not perfect, and neither am I. Fortunately, my God specializes in applying grace to the imperfect and accomplishes something special and miraculous.

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