Sunday, March 29, 2020

Sunday in the Drizzle

 I did the Calverton Loop heading out after Char left for church.  I did 9.24 miles in 2:49:39 for a 18:21 minute per mile pace with an elevation gain of 251 feet and an average heart rate of 101 bpm at a temp of 48 degrees and 92 percent humidity.  I parked further down the Grumman Road to finish at a sparsely congested area.  I don't worry about speed especially on the weekend.  This has been a mentally challenging time.  My trust is in the Lord and that is a constant.  Dealing with the change of being at home and going out only when necessary has been somewhat unnerving.  Seeing people move about in masks and gloves with apprehensive expressions gets to you. People are viewing New York and New Yorkers like we are the disease itself.  While I understand their apprehension, they must realize that this disease is spreading.  what is happening here will be happening in other places.  I do think that it is not right for New Yorkers to flee to other places.  In doing so we are only spreading this horrible disease.  I know that God is sovereign--to Him we look for guidance and protection!

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