Monday, March 30, 2020

Monday-- Issues

I woke up with a greater peace than I have experienced.  I am grateful for not waking up worrying if I had caught the Coronavirus.  I am at the point now of cautious yet contented purposeful existence. I don't have it all figured out,but I feel like I am finding my way with the Lord's help.  On another note, my medial collateral ligament is talking to me a bit.  I had a slight issue a weekend or two back.  I think with a modified approach I will be fine.  Usually I would use ibuprofen, but my high blood pressure meds and the COVID-19 virus  prevent that.  So I will use my CBD cream.  I did 9.32 miles in 2;19;25 with an elevation gain of 329 feet and an average heart rate of 117 bpm at a 14;57 minute per mile pace at 41 degrees and 89 percent humidity.  I think in a few weeks New York will be one of the better places to be.  The virus will have done the worst of it's damage and we will be in an extended recovery for awhile.  I believe this virus will sweep this country since it so contagious.  Unfortunately, I think this virus will be surging while we are in recovery.  At least in New York we have plenty of testing and resources.  I hope I am wrong.  You can't believe the damage this virus can do unless you have seen up close what it can do on such a large scale.  God is in control. God bless!

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