Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Tuesday Doing a Different Route

 I decided to do a flatter route as the downhills seem to be the aggravating influence on my right knee.  It's not a pain or discomfort thing, but it is an issue that needs heading off.  I did the usual shorter route with an out and back to Apple Court and back.  I did mostly good, just a few spots where I could feel it a bit, but not as significant as yesterday.  Oftentimes, by changing your gate slightly or stand at a different point on the crown of the road the adjustment is enough to keep the workout going.  To be honest I was satisfied to keep my pace under 15's today.  Here are the stats-- 9.54 miles in 2:21:24 for a 14:49 minute per mile pace with an average heartrate of 116 bpm with an elevation gain of 211 feet at a temp of 40 degrees and 76 percent humidity.  Strangely enough I am getting to the stage that I am not dealing in the totally unknown.  I have seen the virus and what it can do, now I am just isolating as much and to the largest degree possible.  I am starting to see the positives of the situation and not just the negatives.  Though the situation is dire, with social discipline and the Lord's help I can make it!

Monday, March 30, 2020

Monday-- Issues

I woke up with a greater peace than I have experienced.  I am grateful for not waking up worrying if I had caught the Coronavirus.  I am at the point now of cautious yet contented purposeful existence. I don't have it all figured out,but I feel like I am finding my way with the Lord's help.  On another note, my medial collateral ligament is talking to me a bit.  I had a slight issue a weekend or two back.  I think with a modified approach I will be fine.  Usually I would use ibuprofen, but my high blood pressure meds and the COVID-19 virus  prevent that.  So I will use my CBD cream.  I did 9.32 miles in 2;19;25 with an elevation gain of 329 feet and an average heart rate of 117 bpm at a 14;57 minute per mile pace at 41 degrees and 89 percent humidity.  I think in a few weeks New York will be one of the better places to be.  The virus will have done the worst of it's damage and we will be in an extended recovery for awhile.  I believe this virus will sweep this country since it so contagious.  Unfortunately, I think this virus will be surging while we are in recovery.  At least in New York we have plenty of testing and resources.  I hope I am wrong.  You can't believe the damage this virus can do unless you have seen up close what it can do on such a large scale.  God is in control. God bless!

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Sunday in the Drizzle

 I did the Calverton Loop heading out after Char left for church.  I did 9.24 miles in 2:49:39 for a 18:21 minute per mile pace with an elevation gain of 251 feet and an average heart rate of 101 bpm at a temp of 48 degrees and 92 percent humidity.  I parked further down the Grumman Road to finish at a sparsely congested area.  I don't worry about speed especially on the weekend.  This has been a mentally challenging time.  My trust is in the Lord and that is a constant.  Dealing with the change of being at home and going out only when necessary has been somewhat unnerving.  Seeing people move about in masks and gloves with apprehensive expressions gets to you. People are viewing New York and New Yorkers like we are the disease itself.  While I understand their apprehension, they must realize that this disease is spreading.  what is happening here will be happening in other places.  I do think that it is not right for New Yorkers to flee to other places.  In doing so we are only spreading this horrible disease.  I know that God is sovereign--to Him we look for guidance and protection!

Friday, March 27, 2020


I am grateful for these workouts. They are the only normal part of my day. I’m not afraid, but I am gravely concerned. So for now, I am going about my day trying to take the precautions recommended. In the back of my mind there is concern, but I think that’s how most people feel. Yesterday I did 9.39 miles in 2:15:59 for a 14:33 minute per mile pace with an elevation gain of 351 feet with an average heart rate of 119 bpm at 35 degrees and 77 percent humidity. Today I did 9.45 miles in 2:20:08 for a 14:50 minute per mile pace with an average heart rate of 127 bpm with an elevation gain of 334 feet at 47 degrees and 84 percent humidity. Yesterday I did the Niewood version of the route and today the Longwood version of the route. The mornings have been just beautiful. Right now it seems as if my imagination and optimism is kind of stunted. When I have some thoughts worth sharing I will share them. Right now I am grateful for the small things. Thank you Jesus for your protection.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Tuesday/Wednesday in Coronavirus Central

I am grateful for the Lord’s protection. I am living in isolation like most folks. Our healthcare professionals are the new heroes of this time. They are literally putting their lives on the line. I have been doing the Longwood Loop of two variations. Yesterday I did the Niewood Loop doing 9.4 miles in 2:18:48 for a 14:46 minute per mile pace with an elevation gain of 323 feet with an average heart rate of 114 bpm at 36 degrees and 85 percent humidity. Today I did the Logwood loop doing 9.49 miles in 2:14:47 for a 14:12 minute per mile pace with an elevation gain of 368 feet with an average heart rate of 119 bpm at 40 overcast degrees and 75 percent humidity. There are times when the Almighty gets our undivided attention. God we need you now!

Monday, March 23, 2020


One good thing about early starts is that you get to see snow before it turns to rain. Snowy workouts can be pretty. I did the Niewood, Scenic Hills, Longwood, Medford Loop. I finished on Whiskey Road to Raynor again. I did 9.27 miles in 2:15:43 for a 14:38 minute per mile pace with an elevation gain of 395 feet with an average heart rate of 117 bpm at a temp of 36 degrees and 66 percent humidity. I am not doing so well with this online teaching. The school keeps throwing stuff at us. I know the Lord will help me. Have a blessed day! Oh I did 9.53 miles Sunday morning on the Calverton Loop. God bless!

Friday, March 20, 2020

Decent Finish

I went into Friday with less than stellar motivation.  I have been a bit dreading my workouts--even before the COVID-19 pandemic.  It's just a part of this regular workout thing.  Tomorrow I have a doctors appointment to check on the progress of my blood pressure medications. I did the Scenic Hills, Niewood, Longwood, Medford loop. Today I didn't go on Kastal or Ryan but when straight down to `Whiskey and up Raynor. My distance is slightly longer as I was taking my watch case off and accidentally paused the workout.  I did 9.26 miles in 2:14:16 for a 14:29 minute per mile pace with an elevation gain of 382 feet and an average heart rate of 124 bpm at a foggy 46 degrees with 90 percent humidity. Getting a little better at his stay at home thing. God bless and protect. Looking forward to a weekend of less official workouts.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Rainy Thursday

I went out today knowing that miserable weather awaited me. Furthermore, the news today about the COVID-19 virus is depressing. The virus is spreading so rapidly that it seems as if the world as we know it is sinking. Fortunately, my hope is in the Lord. My trust is in Him. Today I did the summer loop plus to Apple Court and back. I did 9.58 miles in 2:27:43 for a 15:25 minute per mile pace with an elevation gain of 260 feet with an average heart rate of 114 bpm at a temp of 42 degrees and a drizzly 92 percent humidity.
  A unique aspect of life now is teaching from home using my computer. These are unique times. May God protect you today!

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Beautiful Morning!

I woke up thinking “Why am I still getting up early “ and then I reminded myself of the great feeling of getting the workout out of the way early. I also enjoy the solitude of waking up before everyone else and getting into God’s word.  First of all I can’t believe how many people don’t believe the seriousness of this COVID- 19 virus. I mean so many are panicking and hoarding supplies which also is not a good thing. Precautions must be taken both for self protection, but more importantly to flatten the curve. I had to be out and about to do a few necessary errands— glad that I am home now.
   I did the a Longwood/Medford/Ryan loop doing 9.49 miles in 2:19:52 for a 14:44 minute per mile pace with an elevation gain of 338 feet with an average heart rate of 116 bpm at a temperature of 38 degrees with humidity at 78 degrees. Went for a beautiful sandy Robert Moses State park. Have a blessed day!

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Monday- Tuesday: The new Normal

On Monday I was able to get up later as I had to have blood drawn at 9 which meant going to work later. Today, was our first day without students as we are attempting to slow the spread of the Coronavirus. We teachers went in to prepare our lessons for our students and learn about how we would deliver the lessons. It was a productive time, and it was good to see my good friends and fellow teachers. I did the Longwood loop doing 9.46 miles in 2:21:58 for a 15 minute per mile pace with an elevation gain of 352 feet with an average heart rate of 114 bpm with a temp of 32 degrees and 40 percent humidity. This morning I did the Medford/Randall Loop doing 8.85 miles in 2:12:18 for a 14:57 minute per mile pace with a 218 foot elevation gain with an average heart rate of 114 bpm at a temp of 39 degrees and 94 percent humidity. It all seems strange , but I am grateful for the opportunities and blessings that the Lord provides. May God bless you richly during this difficult time.

Friday, March 13, 2020

Tired and Pathetic

I got up and everything went well, except my speed. I didn’t loom at my watch, but when I did at the end it wasn’t pretty. I’m just not feeling it now, but at least the work is getting done. I did the Woodlot, Ridge, Randall Loop with 2 Ryan’s out and back.  I did 8.51 miles in 2:11:06 for a 15:24 minute per mile pace with an elevation gain of 284 feet and a heart rate of 113 bpm at a temp of 47 degrees and 93 percent humidity. About everything is cancelled except for school because of the Coronavirus. Have a blessed weekend.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

A Good Morning

It was a good morning, because I did not have the sense of dread during my workout. Lately I just haven’t been “feeling it”.  Working out has been a drudgery. Today I felt hopeful. I did the figure 8 extra plus doing 8.80 in 2:06:48 for a 14:24 minute per mile pace with an elevation gain of 180 feet and a resting heart rate of 116 bpm at a temp of 32 degrees and 90 percent humidity. It’s my daughter Rebekah’s 22 nd birthday today! She’s a blessing!

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Thankfully, A Bit Better

It’s been a trying time off the blog so to speak, but God had been faithful. Today I did the Ridge Loop doing 8.98 miles in 2:07:58 for a 14:15 minute per mile pace with a 151 foot elevation gain and an average heart rate of 121 bpm at a temp of 50 degrees and 63 percent humidity. My movement percentage is lower today even though yesterday I did a slower pace and a shorter distance. We are celebrating my daughter Rebekah’s 22nd birthday tonight even though her birthday is tomorrow. Have a blessed day!

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

A Faster Version of Slow

I did the Medford/Randall/Woodlot Loop to try to attain my movement goal as I know that I will be less active this morning due to an assessment.  I did 8.71 miles in 2:09:13 for a 14:49 minute per mile pace with an elevation gain of 206 feet and an average head rate of 116 bpm at a temp of 46 degrees and 71 percent humidity. A long day ahead. God is good!

Monday, March 9, 2020

Still Slow

 I have hit a period of slow. I’m learning just to go with it. I did the Woodlot, Ridge, Randall & 2 times Ryan for 8.44 miles in 2:07:22 for a 15:05 minute per mile pace with an elevation gain of 195 feet with an average heart rate of 112 bpm at a temp of 43 degrees and humidity at 55 percent. Tired! God bless!

Friday, March 6, 2020

Finally Friday

It’s good when Friday comes. I know that sleeping in is an option and a slower pace is in the cards. I did the same route as yesterday— did 8.48 miles in 2:05:19 for a 14:46 minute per mile pace with an elevation gain of 222 feet and an average heart rate of 114 bpm at 31 degrees and 90 percent humidity. Jace came home last night. He’s moving out. This is an emotional time for my wife. Have a blessed day!

Thursday, March 5, 2020

When OK is Great

Today was the typical day for the last week. I have to start earlier to stay the same. I even got out a bit later  today. Thankfully I was faster than yesterday, which seemed fast by comparison. I did the standard Woodlot, Ridge, Raynor Loop doing 8.6 miles in 2:05:44 for a 14:37 minute per mile pace with a 196 foot elevation gain and an average heart rate of 109 bpm at a temp of 40 degrees and 60 percent humidity. It was a good commute day as well. Glad to be alive! God bless!

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Not Great...

 but I’ll take it. I was willing, but the body was weak. When I got to the 7.78 mark I noticed that my pace was 15:11. Granted, I had to pick up my trash which had spilled overnight— and I didn’t stop my watch.  I did some jogging to try to pick up the pace— but it was still slow. I determined that in the last .8 miles I would try to get my pace under 15’s and I barely did. Here are the stats— 8.58 miles in 2:08:26 for a 14:57 minute per mile pace with an elevation gain of 158 feet with an average pulse of 118 bpm at a temp of 45 degrees and 63 percent humidity. Glad and blessed to be alive!

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

It Could Have Been Worse

Just like yesterday things seemed to being going ahead of schedule, but things ended up on schedule. An early start and a quick commute made up for a slow walk and a late get into the car. I did the 3 a Woodlot loop with the third loop cutting across the trail plus a down and up the hill on Woodlot. Here are the stats— 8.79 miles in 2:11:06 for a 14:55 minute per mile pace with an elevation gain of 176 feet and an average pulse of 114 bpm at a temp of 46 degrees and 84 percent humidity. My watch protector got filled with moisture so that I couldn’t stop my watch at the end of my workout until I got the protector off. That made a bit of a difference. Long day ahead. God bless!

Monday, March 2, 2020

Not Bad

Fortunately, I had a restful Sunday which set me up for a decent Monday. I know that a Monday is usually going to yield a slow pace— that’s just the way it goes. I did make it out in decent time so that helped. I did the Woodlot/Ridge/Randall Loop with two Ryan out and backs. I did 8.55 miles in 2:05:45 for a 14:42 minute per mile pace with an elevation gain of 224 feet with an average heart rate if 114 bpm at 30 degrees and 68 percent humidity. Long day ahead— Lord thank you for your presence!