Friday, July 6, 2018


It has been so hot and humid this past week.  Yesterday I did the Scenic Hills, Longwood, Medford Loop doing 9.31 in 2:10:55 for a 14:02 minute per mile pace with an elevation gain of 329 feet with an average pulse of 116 bpm at a temp of 73 degrees and 100 percent humidity. I noticed the last couple of miles a tightness in my right outer hamstring. I jogged in the last mile since the speed walking seemed to irritate it.  This morning I decided to do the Port Jefferson East Setauket hike as I wanted to workout at a normal walking gate to lessen the strain on my hamstring. The hike was warm and muggy, but the hamstring was fine. Not nearly so many people at 6 am in the morning. It was funny as I noticed a couple of African-American women making believe they were stretching to warm up for a workout. They had their personal belongings on the bench and the strong smell of weed blowing in my direction. I said “Morning “ and walked along. I did 8.14 miles in 2:09:49 for a 15:55 minute per mile pace with an elevation gain of 551 feet with an average pulse of 103 bpm at 77 degrees and 90 percent humidity. A flash flood watch was in effect so I was glad to complete the workout dry except from sweat. Off to pick Char up from Weight Watchers as she is teaching the group. God Bless and let's pray for each other because we sure do need prayer.

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