Saturday, August 3, 2024

I’m So OCD

 Not medically, but in some ways I am a creature of habit. This summer as it tends to be, the typical workout schedule has been off— due to trips, visitors, the cruise, sickness, etc.. I woke up early, let the dog out, and prepared for my walk. I usually don’t workout on Saturday, but with missing three days, I decided to try. I did the same workout as yesterday, just a bit earlier. I did 7.09 miles in 2:19:48 for heart rate of 69 bpm with an elevation gain of 181 feet at an average cadence of 111 spm at an average power of 104w at a 19:42 minute per mile pace. The temp was around 75 degrees. The humidity has been horrible. My outer right hamstring was sore and slowed me a bit. Now that Covid is passing it’s time to focus on the knee issue. I can walk, but obviously something is off. Nonetheless, I am grateful to be able to work out. I plan on taking tomorrow off. Have a blessed day.

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