Friday, August 2, 2024

Covid Comes Again

  A few hours after my workout on Monday, I noticed that I had mucus in my throat and I felt ever so slightly off. I had a physical therapy session and influenced by my wife taking a Covid test— I decided to do the same. My brother in law John was upstairs. Well, the test didn’t even hesitate and came up positive. I then canceled my physical therapy appointment. Next, I called my doctor and set up an appointment for 1:40. I tested positive again and the doctor prescribed Paxlovid. I wasn’t able to get my medication until the next day in the afternoon, due to the large number of cases. All this to say that today was my first workout since Monday. I decided to switch my workout app since I got my new(refurbished) iPhone watch. I feel lead to change some things up. This new app. Is stingier on the miles. I did 2 x Raynor/Kastal/Ridge with 3 x Ryan for 7.04 miles in 2:17:45 for a 19:33 minute per mile pace with an average heart rate of 70 bpm with an elevation gain of 180 feet with a temp around 75. I needed to attempt to move on after resting to recover. This morning I’m just feeling blessed and am glad to be making progress. Looking forward to Maine and Camp Good News, Lord willing next week. God bless you my friends!

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