Saturday, August 17, 2024

Camp Good News

  I will give an outline of my walks at Camp Good News. I had two main routes with slight variations of each. My main stay was a combined out and back and a loop and the other rout was an out and back on the main road which varied depending on whether it was a two mile or three mile route. The walks were peaceful and quiet. I was tired, so even though I enjoyed them, but it was kind of an effort. Thankfully, I met my movement goal each full day of camp. Here are the distances

Saturday ( Camden)- 3.34 miles 

Sunday- 4.53 miles 

Monday- am- 3.21 miles  pm. 2.04 miles 

Tuesday- am.- 3.20 miles pm 2.44 miles 

Wednesday- am. 3.28 miles, pm. 2.43 miles 

Thursday- am. 3.04 miles pm. 2.06 miles 

Friday- am. 3.33 miles pm. 2.07 miles 

I plan on only doing strength work on the weekend. I want to get rested up. I am so grateful for my camp walks. It was an effort, but it was spot!

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