Friday, August 30, 2024

Alone Again

  This period of life has amounted to a lot of time alone, and a lot of time with a lot of people. My wife has spent 3 weeks this year with her mother, as my father in law had vacationed. I am at the house alone right now. This arrangement allows me more individual freedom, but I sure do miss my wife. This morning I did the Medford/Randall/Woodlot Loop doing 8.89 miles in 2:48:37 for an 18:57 minute per mile pace with an average heart rate of 74 bpm with an elevation gain of 190 feet at a cadence of 114 spm at a power of 108w at a spotty rainy 63 degrees. It’s Labor Day weekend so a longer workout on Monday then. 10 k to 7 mile walk the rest of the days Lord willing. Looking forward to the weekend. Stay strong in prayer!

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Staying Positive

 Sometimes you just make the choice to stay positive and to accept the uncertainties. I really enjoyed having my daughter Kim and her husband Antonio and my two grandchildren stay with us. I was at work, but we had family over each night to visit. Tonight my wife begins her time staying with her mother with my father and brother in laws going to Scotland. I think that I will enjoy the quietness after an hour extended time of visitation. I did the Longwood Loop doing 8.44 miles in 2:41:36 for a 19:08 minute per mile pace with an average heart rate of 74 bpm with an elevation gain of 227 feet with an average power of 106w at 69 degrees. My pace was a bit slowed as my brother called me. My knee did pretty well this morning. My TRX band came in so that I can do squats. It’s the little things that bring joy. Have a blessed day!

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Off Balance

  It’s amazing how just some small change can throw things off. The last couple of weeks I haven’t been weighing myself because of Charlotte being in the bathroom at about the same time as me. Also, with all the company, we have eaten out a lot more. The result is a 7 pound weight gain. I will remain diligent to try to get that weight down. Today I did 2 x Ridge/Woodlot doing 8.39 miles in 2:39:19 for an 18:59 minute per mile pace with an average heart rate of 75 bpm with an elevation gain of 113 spm with an average power of 107w at 70 degrees. Lord please help me to get this weight down:)

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Long Day/Short Night

 I went to Adventure Land with my wife, family, and church after school yesterday. I stayed to a little before 9. I was able to get ready in a fairly short time. This morning I did the 2 x Woodlot/Ridge Loop doing 8.20 miles in 2:35:06 for an 18:55 minute per mile pace with an average cadence of 114 spm at an average power of 109w at 64 degrees. Things have been busy with little downtime. I’m feeling a bit drained. God bless you!

Monday, August 26, 2024


 This morning I’m a bit refreshed and am reminded that sometimes the best solution is to simply focus on the task at hand and forget about all your perceived injustices and take it one day at a time. I still am floating a bit above 200 pounds. Getting off schedule hurt me in my fight to maintain my weight.  Now I am just trying to get back to where I was. This morning I did 8.31 miles in 2:36:33 for an 18:49 minute per mile pace with an average heart rate of 77 bpm with an elevation gain of 217 feet at an average cadence of 114 spm at an average power of 111w at 66 degrees. My daughter Kim and her family are visiting which is a blessing. It’s just too bad that I am in work most of the day. I am proud of my oldest daughter for applying for housing in Eastport, Maine to escape her mentally abusive husband. Have a blessed day!

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Saturday Stroll in Rocky Point

   My wife Charlotte had a wedding shower, so I took advantage and did a walk on the trail in Rocky Point and Shoreham. To tell you the truth, I have been struggling with some self doubt. It seems as on Long Island every ability and accomplishment counts for nothing. It seems as if some of my daughters doubt me. I did 6.29 miles in 2:02:32 for a 19:28 minute per mile pace at an average cadence of 111 spm at an average power of 104w with an average heart rate of 73 bpm with an elevation gain of 49 feet at 75 degrees. Trying to get back to my old routine. Hopefully I will get my confidence back. Have a blessed day!

Friday, August 23, 2024

Still Better/At Least for the Workout

  I did the Longwood Loop again this morning. I have been able to go faster during my workouts, but I definitely feel sore the rest of the day. My low back is always stiff after sitting. I did 8.33 miles in 2:28:42 for a 17:50 minute per mile pace with an average heart rate of 92 bpm with an elevation gain of 254 feet with an average cadence of 119 spm with an average power of 117 spm at a comfortable 59 degrees. Headed to the weekend. Nice to have my daughter and her family in town. Teaching Sunday school. Have a blessed day!

Thursday, August 22, 2024

A Bit Better

  I had a brief time of middle of the night of school dread. I woke up a bit more determined and clear minded. I still feel that God wants me where I am. Nothing worthwhile is easy. I did the Longwood loop again doing 8.30 miles in 2:32:34 for a 18:22 minute per mile pace with an average heart rate of 80 bpm with an elevation gain of 248 feet at an average cadence of 117 spm at an average power of 114w at a temperature of 56 degrees. My hamstring is slightly better. I have been able to walk at a slightly better pace. I still feel that something is wrong, but it is slowly improving. This body isn’t what it used to be, but I’m grateful for what I can do. Praise the name of the Lord.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

First Day

   I did my first workout of the school year, but not with students—professional development. It’s an easier schedule, but just back into a routine. I did the Longwood Loop doing 8.30 miles in 2:38:23 for a 19:04 minute per mile pace with an average heart rate of 75 bpm with an elevation gain of 270 feet at an average cadence of 115 spm with ave. Power of 109w at 56 degrees. The administration at my school confronted me about tardiness despite 5 straight months of being on time— discouraging. Have a blessed day friends!!

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Back Home/Last Day of Summer Vacation

 Today marked my first workout here in Ridge in almost two weeks. I would have worked out yesterday, but my basement was flooded and I had to spend about five hours hauling water out . My legs definitely felt it lifting 5 gallons of water up the stairs. I was already tired and this kind of put me over the top. I did 1 x Woodlot/Ridge and 1 x Raynor /Kastal/Ridge and 3 x Ryan for 8.52 miles in 2:45:59 for a 19:29 minute per mile pace with an average heart rate of 73 bpm with an elevation gain of 178 feet at an average cadence of 113 spm at an average power of 105w at 63 degrees and 84 percent humidity. I feel out of sorts and out of synch. Trusting you Lord!

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Camp Good News

  I will give an outline of my walks at Camp Good News. I had two main routes with slight variations of each. My main stay was a combined out and back and a loop and the other rout was an out and back on the main road which varied depending on whether it was a two mile or three mile route. The walks were peaceful and quiet. I was tired, so even though I enjoyed them, but it was kind of an effort. Thankfully, I met my movement goal each full day of camp. Here are the distances

Saturday ( Camden)- 3.34 miles 

Sunday- 4.53 miles 

Monday- am- 3.21 miles  pm. 2.04 miles 

Tuesday- am.- 3.20 miles pm 2.44 miles 

Wednesday- am. 3.28 miles, pm. 2.43 miles 

Thursday- am. 3.04 miles pm. 2.06 miles 

Friday- am. 3.33 miles pm. 2.07 miles 

I plan on only doing strength work on the weekend. I want to get rested up. I am so grateful for my camp walks. It was an effort, but it was spot!

Friday, August 9, 2024

Hope in the Morning

  It took me a bit of time to fall asleep as my room was kind of warm. Fortunately, I was able to get the temperature to a comfortable level and I nodded off to a good night’s sleep. I did 8.8 miles doing my new standard workout heading up to the top of Appleton road hill, out and back on the pastor’s road, around the loop and down How Hill road to Bumblebee lane and back to my parents. 2:44:06 for an 18: 34 minute per mile pace with an average heart rate of 79 bpm for approximately an 840 foot elevation gain at a rainy 59 degrees. It’s so nice to be back in Maine to a peaceful pace of life. It’s a blessing to walk in the country enjoying the beauty of the woods and the mountains. Thank you Lord. Next week I will , Lord willing do a oue of short walks interspersed between my counseling duties. Looking forward to what the Lord is going to do down in East Livermore, Maine.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Comfortable Morning

 I decided to do a different route today doing the two times Woodlot/Ridge Loop. The forecast was for rain, but fortunately it stayed dry. There was a nice breeze blowing and it reminded a comfortable 68 degrees. It’s been hectic with company, but it has been good times for the family.  The Lord has given us a nice house to host people. Sometimes I need to look beyond my own inconvenience to the greater overall purpose. I am looking forward to my trip to Maine and working at camp, Lord willing of course. I definitely need the break or at least the change of pace. I did 8.43 miles in 2:43:11 for a 19:28 minute per mile pace with an average heart rate of 76 bpm with an elevation gain of 180 feet. My hamstring didn’t bother me today. I did take a naproxen last night at bedtime. Time to finish up packing today. Have a blessed day.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Same Deal

 I woke up at about the same time as yesterday and got out a few minutes earlier. I did the Longwood loop doing 8.34 miles in 2:42:55 for a 19:33 minute per mile pace with heart rate of 74 bpm with an elevation gain of 225 feet. I had my consultation for my colonoscopy today. Will probably have it done within the next month or two. My hamstring is kind of iffy today. I’m icing it now. Looking forward to tomorrow. God bless.

Monday, August 5, 2024

Back To “Normal”

 I woke up with a bit more zip in my sails. It seemed good just to be back on schedule. Kind of back to normal plus prepping for camp. This morning I did the Longwood loop doing 8.37 miles in 2:43:22 for a 19:30 minute per mile pace with an average heart rate of 72 bpm with an elevation gain of 290 feet at a temp of 70 degrees. I have to pick Jon and the kids up at LaGuardia. Have a blessed day friends!

Saturday, August 3, 2024

I’m So OCD

 Not medically, but in some ways I am a creature of habit. This summer as it tends to be, the typical workout schedule has been off— due to trips, visitors, the cruise, sickness, etc.. I woke up early, let the dog out, and prepared for my walk. I usually don’t workout on Saturday, but with missing three days, I decided to try. I did the same workout as yesterday, just a bit earlier. I did 7.09 miles in 2:19:48 for heart rate of 69 bpm with an elevation gain of 181 feet at an average cadence of 111 spm at an average power of 104w at a 19:42 minute per mile pace. The temp was around 75 degrees. The humidity has been horrible. My outer right hamstring was sore and slowed me a bit. Now that Covid is passing it’s time to focus on the knee issue. I can walk, but obviously something is off. Nonetheless, I am grateful to be able to work out. I plan on taking tomorrow off. Have a blessed day.

Friday, August 2, 2024

Covid Comes Again

  A few hours after my workout on Monday, I noticed that I had mucus in my throat and I felt ever so slightly off. I had a physical therapy session and influenced by my wife taking a Covid test— I decided to do the same. My brother in law John was upstairs. Well, the test didn’t even hesitate and came up positive. I then canceled my physical therapy appointment. Next, I called my doctor and set up an appointment for 1:40. I tested positive again and the doctor prescribed Paxlovid. I wasn’t able to get my medication until the next day in the afternoon, due to the large number of cases. All this to say that today was my first workout since Monday. I decided to switch my workout app since I got my new(refurbished) iPhone watch. I feel lead to change some things up. This new app. Is stingier on the miles. I did 2 x Raynor/Kastal/Ridge with 3 x Ryan for 7.04 miles in 2:17:45 for a 19:33 minute per mile pace with an average heart rate of 70 bpm with an elevation gain of 180 feet with a temp around 75. I needed to attempt to move on after resting to recover. This morning I’m just feeling blessed and am glad to be making progress. Looking forward to Maine and Camp Good News, Lord willing next week. God bless you my friends!