Thursday, March 10, 2016

Wax Off, Wax On

I took yesterday off due to a late unexpected trip taking my daughter to the ER Tuesday night.  I did the Longwood Loop again, riding the groove of the week.  It was a very mild 52 degrees with some cloud cover making it darker than usual.  I have gotten ahead on my strength work so that when I am at my daughter's for her birthday I will not have to worry about missing the workout.  I did 8.73 in 1:53:12 for a decent 12:57 miles per minute walking pace. To note--I did get over 20,000 steps yesterday more than meeting my 12,000 steps for a non-workout day. I am thinking how I have been using my garmin since September and yet my friend Andy used the garmin over ten years ago--he was always very tech savvy. God is good!