Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Different Sort of Workout

I got out a bit later. I did the Randall Loop again. I noticed at mile one that I had forgotten to start my watch-- so my stats today are somewhat estimated.  I did 9.01 in 1:55 for a 12:43 minute per mile pace with an elevation gain of 141 feet with an average pulse of 128 bpm at a temperature of 68 degrees and 94 percent humidity. I was slow on my walks pace so I new that unless I ran that I would be getting back home late. I ran for several miles and felt lime I would get back home early. With about a mile to go I received a text from Kim and then a phone call. Needless to
Say my last mile took over 17 minutes. I got back home at normal time so I felt
good about that. Praying now as I try to get Kimberly home.
Praying for my family in this another moment of change. God is good!

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