Wednesday, August 14, 2019


I have kept this blog for 10 years now. Years of reading my friend Andy’s blog inspiring me to do the same. Times have changed, with blogs no longer being the “in” thing. That’s fine with me. Facebook and the like have taken over, but the blog still serves a purpose. For me it’s my trail that I lead and will one day leave behind. I’m hoping that one day my daughters or my wife may take the time to read my short little excerpts. Even though I recounting my workouts, I’m also sharing little bits of myself. So even if only one person reads this on occasion, that’s fine with me. I’m not interested with my morning experiences being on social media. It’s more private than that. On occasion I will read my blog, to pick my own mind of sorts.

Today I did the Longwood Loop again, but I did not read my splits. I have been feeling a slight hamstring thing. I backed off my pace slightly, so as not to put stress on my hamstring. My knee compression sleeves have been helpful, and I actually finished the workout feeling fine. I did 9.21 miles in 2:19:30 for a 15:09 minute per mile pace with an elevation gain of 339 feet with an average heart rate of 111 bpm at a temp of 69 degrees and a muggy 98 percent humidity. My last day of free time. It has been productive. I have been able to get my head on straighter with a lot on my mind and in my heart. Thank you Lord. Char to arrive soon!