Thursday, January 8, 2015


  It was 9 degrees this morning as I headed out 4:41 for my 9 x .3 mile hill repeats with warm-up and cool-down with equal recovery.  Today reminded me of a workout years ago with my friend Andy Seeley where we did hill repeats-- taking time in the middle to drink tea and warm up in Andy's car at the bottom of the hill on Washington Street. Today was just a solitary workout. All totaled 7.1 miles on a very cold day for Long Islanders. When I only have to brave the elements of the freezing cold it is a fun challenge as opposed building up the fortitude to get out for another freezing cold run(like running in Maine winters). Have a blessed day!


  1. If it wasn't for you I would never have gone out for those workouts! Great times they were. Got a treadmill for my birthday... maybe I can burn off some of this weight.

  2. Yes, those were good memories. A treadmill is a great way to get in shape. I'm confident that you will get back to being the running beast of old. Always nice to hear from you. Maybe one of these days I will get a chance to stop by for a visit. God Bless!
