Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Stupid Dogs

I was coasting along on my 8 miler Randall Loop when I hit the one spot on the loop that can. Relate problems-- that is the house on Kasal Road where the lady with the 2 German shepherds lets the dogs run lives . She had them out this morning so I just turned around and had to make up the distance somehow. I ended up doing 8.36 miles miles. The pace was slightly faster than Monday. I took Tuesday off thanks to a short night of sleep. My daughter's unruly BF and his mother decided to pick my grand kids up at 11:40 at night to which I declined to cooperate. The police were called and finally peace was restored when they took their sorry behinds back home.  It felt good to be out.  I ended up doing my strength work in yesterday so it wasn't a total wash. Bible Study was good last night. Have a blessed day!


  1. I can see you "declining to cooperate". Most awesome.

  2. I'm not usually friendly when being awoken by unwanted guests in the middle of the night:)
