Monday, April 20, 2015

Rainy Days and Mondays......

It was a drizzly 48 degrees this morning in Ridge. I got out in good fashion this morning .
I've got so many things on my mind, and I'm looking to The Lord for direction.  I've decided to become a walker rather than a runner.  I like the way my joints feel when I am walking--- no sore knees and ankles. My uncle has had both hips replaced and now he needs a knee replacement.  I don't want to wait until my joints are damaged before I make the switch. I'm a bigger runner, so I just feel that now is the time to make the switch. Nobody has commented in three weeks on daily mile -- it's kind of discouraging as I always make time for some comments. No biggie I guess. I did 7.52 miles at a good clip this morning-- God Bless!


  1. You have incredible mileage for walking it! How long are you out? Is it the equivalent to the 9 mile staple you used to do?

  2. I do about 14:20 miles-- going along good not too craY though. Around an 1:50 give or take. Walking means I have to get out earlier. Thanks for your encouragement.
