Wednesday, October 16, 2013


I have been without time and internet access for a bit--so here is a bit of a re-cap.  Sunday -- 10 miles in Eastport,  Monday -- 8.9 miles in Eastport   Tuesday--8.4 miles in Ridge  Wednesday -- 7.9 miles in Ridge.  I stayed two days at Harris Point in Eastport. My three youngest daughters stayed with me for the duration.  It was cold with temps in the thirties both days. Not a soul was out these mornings. It is always good to run in my old longtime home of Eastport. The roads are so so familiar. I didn't really have time to savor the workout with nostalgic thoughts ,but it is always great to run these quiet roads. I even ran the short trail at Shackfords Head to make up for lost distance due to power lines being down on the road. For greater detail you can look at at Eric C. P.. The runs in Ridge have gone well,but it seems as if I'm running on fumes. Did some strength work in Hope,so i am almost caught up on my strength training for the week. Have a blessed day!