Saturday, May 31, 2014

Nice Friday Finish

I did 9.18 miles on my most popular loop:). Posting Saturday on Fridays run. I like having the week off from running although I do strength work. Looking forward to church tomorrow. I noticed my friend Andy was in the neighborhood yesterday. Have a blessed day!

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Slow and Steady

I got out the door at 4:18am. It was a cool yet comfortable 50 degree morning. The birds were singing their early morning songs chirping away. I did 2 x Middle Country & 1x Apple Court and the figure 8. I did 9.23 miles here in Ridge. God is good!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

AnExtra Hour

I remembered this morning to set my alarm for just before 5 am and the extra hour of sleep did me well. I ran bit slower,but I did feel better during and after the workout. I did the three time Apple Court plus the figure 8 run for 9.37 miles. It was 52 degrees with a bit of drizzle and overcast. A lovely day to run. Spooked a deer on Ridge. a few turkeys could be heard in the distance. Have a blessed day!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Unplanned Early Start

My alarm went off this morning and I was surprised at how dark it was outside. I quickly realized that my alarm was set for a Thursday,Friday school schedule with the early start. I took the extra time to do some extra prayer--I was thinking that perhaps God wanted me up early for prayer. I did 9.15 on the Longwood Loop. It was just beautiful out this morning. Things are always so quiet at this early time. I was a bit sore,but managed to power through the workout. Char and Ericka were still fast asleep when I headed out the door this morning. Bible Study tonight--I'm excited to see what God is going to do!

Monday, May 26, 2014

Quiet Memorial Day Run

I got out of bed just past 5. I headed out the door into the quiet of the early morning. I had the streets to myself. My mind went back to the weekend and the time I enjoyed with all of my daughters. They came down Friday with their mother and grandmother to visit Ryleigh. They spent two nights here. I always enjoy having them here with me.
   Went back to bed-- read my Bible and watched CSI Miami. Enjoying the laze of the morning with my wife.
    Have a blessed day!

Friday, May 23, 2014

The Day

I have no school today as part of the long weekend! I still got up at five to welcome the morning with a run. Ericka was up fora minute with Ryleigh who was wide awake. I was out the door and do 2 x Middle Country and one x Apple Court with the figure 8 route. I ran just about the same time as yesterday. A good week of consistent workouts. I am looking forward to the two off runnng days which help revive me for the coming week/. So looking forward to my daughters arriving this evening to spend a couple of days. I am truly blessed. God is good! Have a blessed day!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Chugging Along

 I had a bit of soreness, but had enough energy to put together a mediocre workout rather than a poor one. It was 57 degrees and rainy,but I was comfortable and not cold or soaked. No signs of wildlife as they were taking shelter from the rain save a few songbirds. I held my granddaughter in my arms just before the sandman took me to sleep, I did 9.2 on Longwood on this quiet early morning.  One more day before my daughters arrive to see the baby with their mother and grandmother. I am blessed!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Feeling Alive at 9.25

  It was a comfortable 55 degree morning.  The sun was peeking through as I began my workout. I was thinking that in two days my daughters from Maine will be here. I am so blessed in so many ways.  The rabbits were out in full force this morning getting their breakfast as I was gliding by.  Long Island has a beauty about it.  The smell of pollen is heavy in the air this time of year. I am looking forward to heading to Eastport ,Maine in around three weeks. Have a blessed day.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014


I did 3.7 yesterday as I had to take my shift for baby care. This morning the baby slept right through so 9.07 it was-- an unexpected regular run. Blessed all the way!

Friday, May 16, 2014

Quiet Early Run for Papa!

I did 9.1 after an eventful day yesterday. Tired now, the weekend should be great! Go Bless!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

The Day

I got out just past seven this morning with a little extra oomph. I mean, I am tired ,but with my granddaughter likely on the way today I had a little extra zip.  My first mile was faster than usual with my second mile even faster.  I didn't feel as smooth as usual , but I just felt a bit more motivated. I did 9.02 on the Randall Loop. I prefer the earlier starts with much lighter traffic. Well, have a blessed day!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Nice Cool Morning

    I got out with a positive mindset.  Comfortably a bit groggy, but once my legs got moving I was ok.  I ran two minutes slower than yesterday,but I did feel more comfortable. I saw my rabbit buddies along with a couple of turkey's that tied to peck their way through a fence.  I did 9.18 and felt good. Have a blessed day!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


 I did the same loop as yesterday and saw my clover eating pals again(the rabbits). I did 9.19--first run in a T Shirt. Didn't feel as smooth ,but ran almost the same time as yesterday. I saw a lady runner ahead of my and the effort to pull her in helped pick up the pace. Blessed for sure. Got to go!

Monday, May 12, 2014


 I had a nice start to the week running my usual figure 8 loop plus three Apple Court loops for 9.25 miles. I saw a rabbit and a couple of deer. the younger deer tried to jump the fence, but didn't quite make it. The two deer ended up running along the fence toward Raynor Road. It was a comfortable 52 degrees this morning. I was thinking this morning of the changes ahead with becoming a grandfather. Didn't happen the way or when I expected it to happen,but God's grace has been sufficient for us all. Have a blessed day!

Friday, May 9, 2014

Finishing Well

I got out of bed like I have the past month feeling tired ,but knowing that I never regret getting a workout in.  I haven't started the day with a preset idea of which route I am doing--because regardless, they all are pretty much the same distance when it is all said and done. I decided today that I would do the Randall loop. I felt smooth today and the miles glided along until finally I was on the home stretch on Raynor Road. I did 9.01 along the serene streets of Ridge. I did see one other runner on Middle Country heading in the opposite direction towards McDonalds. This time of year is one of the best with the feel of hope and better times ahead. I have enjoyed many good workouts this time of year and my mind always goes back to my runs in Eastport. God did something in my life in Eastport--He used it to mold and shape me in so many ways preparing me for the challenges ahead. I'm nostalgic and often revisit in my mind the good times in the past when all my daughters were with me. The thief of divorce has robbed me of so much,but I serve a God who loves me and reminds me that this place is not my home--my home is in Heaven. So in this life I look to the Savior to lead me and to shelter me with His Presence. In Him me and my family are complete because we belong to Him!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Dia Hard

I got out at 4:15--things seemed to be going smoothly. I was at mile 1.5 when I felt the need for a pit stop--so I headed home.  After a brief stop, I headed out thinking that I could get this workout back on track. At mile 3 I felt the need to make another pit stop at home--well, this was starting to get annoying. I depend on things running smoothly in order to get the distance in and to make it to work on time.  I then headed out the door knowing that I would need a quicker steady pace to make it back in time. This put added pressure on me,but I felt like I wanted to get the distance in. I finally finished it up and was glad that I got the work in, Thank You Lord for a nice 10 mile workout-- 2 this week, and I wasn't even trying for 10 miles. God Bless!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


Busy here at work--had Bible Study last night.  I did 10.3 yesterday morning with 9.18 this morning. I feel blessed to get the work in with my life being so busy and feeling kind of tired. The workouts have still been good with good results. The usual route yesterday with my running Woodlot first and Ridge Road second for a change. Today I did the Longwood Loop. Have a blessed day-God is good!

Monday, May 5, 2014

Early, Easy, and Good

I didn't run much faster than last week, but I didn't feel as sore. Got out at 4:25 with the early work day. The streets were quiet and peaceful as I glided along the streets if Ridge. I was decent going up the hills. My weight and strength training have gone well though. I saw my friend Arlem as I was finishing up my workout. God is good!

Friday, May 2, 2014

Not the Best Week-- But Got it Done!

I did 9.19 miles on the figure eight plus 3 x Apple Court+.  I was off all week and slow. Looking forward to two off days of running. Weight training was strong though. This school is wearing me down a bit. Thank The Lord for the weekends. Went for a four mile walk at Brookhaven past night-- picked off a tick from my calf this morning. Have a blessed day!