Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Wake Me Up When September Ends

  Today on this first day of October, I kind of was feeling the fatigue and was tempted to take it easy. The good news is that if I start my workout, I should be able to finish it as it is within my capacity. I did the 8 x Raynor Hill doing 6.65 miles in 1:53:11 for a 17:01 minute per mile pace with an average heart rate of 123 bpm with an average cadence of 124 spm at an average power of 132w with an elevation gain of 272 feet at a temp around 58 degrees. I saw the ladies walking brigade almost across from my house. I am grateful for the workouts and the time of prayer. Looking forward to the two days off from school and Lord willing in Maine. Have a blessed day!

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