Thursday, October 17, 2024


 There was something about today that just seemed to slow me down. I think the main culprit was fatigue. Thankfully everything worked out. I didn’t feel quite as strong in my strength workout.  All the same, the work got done. Looking forward to my trip to Maine tomorrow with my Char. I did 7.14 miles in 1:57:40 for a 16:28 minute per mile pace with an average heart rate of 105 bpm with an elevation gain of 222 feet at an average cadence of 124 spm with an average power of 133w at 43 degrees. I’m really looking forward to waking up in Maine on Saturday. God bless you my friend!

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Good Hump Day

 Wednesday’s are a good day, when I finish my workouts I know that I am on the downhill part of my week. This week I am going almost exclusively on feeling— meaning that I don’t really have a pre-set idea of what I’m doing each day. Today I did 2 x Raynor/Ridge and 3 x Ryan with a short out and back doing 7.02 miles in 1:54:22 for a 16:22 minute per mile pace with an average heart rate of 124 bpm at an average cadence of 126 spm at an average power of 133w at 43 degrees. I felt really comfortable in bed, but I always think of how good it feels on a Saturday to sleep in and not have to rush. Lord willing, this Friday I will be heading to my home of Maine for my Uncle’s service. I’m grateful for good paces this week. I am feeling a bit refreshed. Thank you Lord!

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Moving Well

 Yesterday was an active day, with some active eating meaning all things even out. I did the 8 x Raynor Hill workout for 6.58 miles in 1:50:08 for a 16:44 minute per mile pace with an average heart rate of 82 bpm with an elevation gain of 277 feet at an average cadence of 126 spm at an average power of 136w at 45 degrees. I had a time of prayer with my son-in-law before he left for his busy morning before leaving for home. God is so good!

Monday, October 14, 2024


 Sunday: Randall Game Preserve: 3.00 miles in 1:06:43 for a 22:11 minute per mile pace with an average heart rate of 71 bpm with an elevation gain of 107 feet at an average cadence of 108 spm at an average power 95w at a comfortable 53 degrees.

                Brookhaven County Park: 5.10 miles in 1:50:40 for a 21:41 minute per mile pace at an average cadence of 104 spm at an average power of 95 w at an average heart rate of 72 bpm at 70 degrees. 

Monday: I did the Longwood Loop with an up and down a hill for 8.45 miles in 2:25:31 for a 17:12 minute per mile pace with an elevation gain of 308 feet at an average cadence of 123 spm at an average power of 126w at an average heart rate of 81 bpm at 58 degrees.

I am grateful for the workouts and it’s nice having my son in law Antonio visiting.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Completing the Task

  This morning I felt so comfortable and relaxed when I woke up. The Thor hat spurred me on was knowing that today was the last scheduled workout of the week. It also helps having my coffee beside my bed. Preparation always helps when temptation to quit presents itself. Today I headed for the hills. I did 8 x Raynor Road doing 6.63 miles in 1:52:45 for a 17:00 minute per mile pace with an average heart rate of 81 bpm at an average cadence of 125 spm with an average power of 133w with an elevation gain of 280 feet at a cooler 46 degrees. Looking forward to a more relaxed weekend. God bless you my friends!

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Tired but Kicking

 In a sense, I’ve entered a new era in my training. I know longer fight to get the maximum workout in. Now, I am doing workouts that get the work in and accommodate my age, energy level, and life demands. I like not being driven to the max each day. Today I did the figure 8 plus a short out and back, plus 4 x Woodlot hill for 6.81 in 1:54:22 for a 16:47 minute per mile pace with an average heart rate of 121 bpm with an elevation gain of 199 feet with an average cadence of 124 spm at an average power of 129w at a cool 49 degrees. I love this time of year with the cool autumn air and the clear skies!

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Time Saver

 I decided to hit the hills again. This workout provides a little added intensity and saves a little bit of time, which puts me an ahead in the morning routine. The reduced volume in my workouts, give me a bit more energy, which during these later years is a necessary thing. I did 8 x Raynor, plus warming up and cooling down doing 6.65 min 1:52:29 for a 16:54 minute per mile pace at an average cadence of 125 spm with an average heart rate of 75 bpm with an average power of 134w with an elevation gain of 269 feet at 54 degrees. Tonight we have Bible Study. God is teaching me seemingly, to take joy in the little victories and blessings and to trust His plan. Praying that the hurricane will be greatly diminished or turned away from land.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Hill Work

 Today I was trying to regain my routine form, and thankfully it worked out. I did 8 x Raynor Hill plus warming up and cooling down for 6.63 miles in 1:53:51 for a 17:10 minute per mile pace with an average heart rate of 76 bpm at an average cadence of 125 spm at an average power of 130w with an elevation gain of 280 feet at 53 degrees. I made it to work in plenty of time. I was tired upon waking up, but thankfully my workouts have enough of a buffer that I can operate well within my capacity. Thank you Lord for your provision!

Monday, October 7, 2024

Starting with the Standard

 I did the standard Raynor/Ridge and 3 x Ryan with a short out and back. I am disappointed, as I was late to work for the first time this year. I lost 15 minutes of time on my GPS. I had a night of troubling dreams. So I woke up slightly apprehensive. I did 7.03 in 1:59:50 for a 17:02 minute per mile pace at an average cadence of 123 spm with an average heart rate of 111 bpm at an average power of 127 spm with an elevation gain of 200 feet at 61 degrees. I felt pretty good and did good with my strength work. Thank you Lord for your many blessings.

Friday, October 4, 2024

The Hills of Hope

 I have totally lacked the feeling of being in the groove in my training and in life. I am able to get the work in, and get stuff done. It just seems that it isn’t as easy as it once was. I did my new standard loop, doing it at a normal walking pace. I did 8.80 miles in 2:48:54 for a 19:11 minute per mile pace with an average cadence of 115 spm with an average heart rate of 73 bpm at an average power of 117w at 52 very foggy degrees at an elevation gain of 742 feet. I went with my parents to help them sort things at my uncle’s former house. It seems as if there is not much that I can do, but I guess I supply moral support. There was no nostalgia today as my knees are just too sore. Thank you Lord for helping me to persevere.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Sticking to the Plan

 I always have kind of an outline in my head of how my training most likely will go. This morning I did the figure 8 with 4 x Woodlot Hill for 6.65 miles in 1:53:11 for a 17:01 minute per mile pace with an average heart rate of 123 bpm with an average cadence of 124 spm at a power of 132w with an elevation gain of 272 feet at around 58 degrees. I haven’t been quite as spry this week, but I am grateful for getting the work in. Lord willing, I hope to travel to Maine tomorrow to help my parents and to enjoy some peace and quiet!

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Wake Me Up When September Ends

  Today on this first day of October, I kind of was feeling the fatigue and was tempted to take it easy. The good news is that if I start my workout, I should be able to finish it as it is within my capacity. I did the 8 x Raynor Hill doing 6.65 miles in 1:53:11 for a 17:01 minute per mile pace with an average heart rate of 123 bpm with an average cadence of 124 spm at an average power of 132w with an elevation gain of 272 feet at a temp around 58 degrees. I saw the ladies walking brigade almost across from my house. I am grateful for the workouts and the time of prayer. Looking forward to the two days off from school and Lord willing in Maine. Have a blessed day!